Αρχική » Διδακτορικές Διατριβές » Υποψήφιοι Διδάκτορες » Παπαδόπουλος Χρήστος

Παπαδόπουλος Χρήστος

Προσωπικές Πληροφορίες

Θέμα ΔΔ:

Comparative Analysis of Financial Repression Policies in the Greek Economy during the Periods 1953-1973 & 1974-1989/90 and how Dwelling Sector Market Had Been Formed by Them

Επιβλέπων Καθηγητής:


Μέλος επιτροπής-1:


Μέλος επιτροπής-2:


Ηλεκτρονικό Ταχυδρομείο:


Προσωπική Ιστοσελίδα:


Περίληψη Διδακτορικής Διατριβής


Comparative Analysis of Financial Repression Policies in the Greek Economy during the Periods 1953-1973 & 1974-1989/90 and how Dwelling Sector Market Had Been Formed by Them


Comparative Analysis of Financial Repression Policies in the Greek Economy during the Periods 1953-1973 & 1974-1989/90 and how Dwelling Sector Market Had Been Formed by Them

Σύντομο Βιογραφικό

  • PERIOD: AUGUST 22, 2011- MARCH 03, 2019 HYGEIA GROUP  S.A (https://www.hygeia.gr) FINANCIAL DEPARTMENT Job Title: Financial Analyst

1.             Prepare & control Daily, Weekly, Monthly Financial Reports (control applied also for Group’s subsidiaries - IFRS),

2.             Prepare & control Management Financial Results Reports (Q1, H1, 9M, YE) , (control applied also for Group’s subsidiaries – consolidated reports - IFRS),

3.             Prepare & control Liquidity & Cash Flow Reports (control applied also for Group’s subsidiaries – consolidated reports - IFRS),

4.             Statistical Analysis of Group’s Parent & Subsidiaries KPI’s,

5.             Prepare & control Budgeting performance (control applied also for Group’s subsidiaries – consolidated reports),

6.             Prepare & control P&L – Balance Sheet Statements (control applied also for Group’s subsidiaries – consolidated reports - IFRS),

7.             Skilled in SAP-ERP (financial) systems,

8.             Prepare & control Parent’s & Group’s Financial Results & KPI’s Presentations (MS Power Point),

9.             Prepare & Control Doctors’ fees statements  


  • PERIOD: JUNE 17, 2003- JULY 14, 2010 McDonald’ s HELLAS LTD (www.mcdonalds.gr) FINANCIAL & ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Job Title: Junior Accountant / Junior Financial Analyst

1.             Financial & Accounting data entry in the system (SUN System),

2.             Prepare & control stores’ Cash Flow Reports (US-GAAP),

3.             Prepare & control stores’ & consolidated P&L – Balance Sheet Reports (US-GAAP),

4.             Control Budgeting Reporting,

5.             Statistical Analysis of stores’ KPI’s (trend, cyclical & seasonal performance),

6.             Control data for Intrastat Data Base,

7.             Prepare & control Financial Results & KPI’s Presentations (MS Power Point)

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